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Thursday, May 5, 2016

Secondary Education In UK

School is compulsory in Australia between the ages to fifteen/sixteen/seventeen, depending on the state, with, in recent years over three-quarters  people staying on until their  year in school. Government schools educate about two-thirds of Australian students other  independent schools. Government schools are free although most schools charge what are known as voluntary contributions or tax levie while independent schools both religious & secular charge fees as well as levies. Regardless  what whether a school is government  independent it is required  adhere to  same curriculum frameworks. Most school student whether in government  independent school usually wear uniforms although there are varying expectations and a few school exceptions.  In Brazil, since 1996 high school is officially call formerly Segundo Grau Until the year 1971 ensino médio had three different names: curso científico normal & curso clássico  As a result the course was changed after & call colegial also divided  first three years were  same for everyone & anyone who would subsequently make  old normal &  had to do  what is now  second part of primary school from the sixth year  ninth year plus high school.
It is the last phase  basic education. Brazilian high school last three years attempting students are referenced by their year – 1st, 2nd & 3rd years.
 test  conclude studie. Their approval depend only on their final grade on each subject  university elaborates its own test to select new students – this test, the  generally happens once a  a non-mandatory national exam, evaluates high school students in Brazil and is used to rank both private  &  public schools. Due to historic reasons Czech school system is almost the  German school system. The school system is free  school at age 15 students  direct to three different optional secondary designed for students going into a trade  education is three years long & entrance exam free combined  practice  week study in school one week practice in factory & building site finish with a certificate


  Střední odborná škola  designed for students going into a profession  &  finishes with the  compulsory & two optional subject. Compulsory subjects are Czech language and world literature & one other language. Optional ones depend on the type  school such as mathematics, physics  accounting. The study is four years long & requires passing an entrance exam Czech language and mathematics  designed for students going to university & finishes with a maturita . Also  two mandatory subjects Czech language & world literature other language or math. Optional subject vary usually between humanistic & science.   years one  pupils finish elementary school  programme  gymnasium There are also entry exams to all these programmes.

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